Friends for Jeff Spiegelman, If you are new to this list, a big welcome to you. This is Representative Spiegelman bringing you a weekly update of a few things happening in and around the 11th District. Also, I like to provide a weekly recipe of something I cooked last week or will cook this week. […]
Month: July 2018
Coffee at Tony’s on Monday- Pesto- July 15th 2018 Update
Friends for Jeff Spiegelman Does anyone know a good rain dance? -Tomorrow (Monday) morning is the first our our next round of meetings with constituents. Come to Tony’s Sausage House on Kenton Rd from 8am-9am and let me buy you a cup of coffee -Other than that, not much going on this week. […]
Goodbye to the 149th- Skate Wings- July 8th 2018 Update
Friends for Jeff Spiegelman It was a busy 149th General Assembly. A lot was done that probably should not have been. A lot was not done that probably should have been. In the end though, that is sometimes how the sausage gets made and I hope it was to the benefit of the the good […]