Friends for Jeff Spiegelman
Just a few short weeks away from Election Day 2018. I would really appreciate your vote and your help spreading the word that I do have an opponent and I do need the Friends for Jeff Spiegelman to show up to the polls to show their support. Please.
-Monday evening at 7pm is the monthly meeting of the 11th District GOP at the Kenton Ruritan
-On Wednesday I am giving the CR High School Debate Team a tour of Legislative Hall. I am looking forward to seeing what they think of a building where the debates have very real consequences on the lives of the people of their state. Its being able to do things like this that make me really love public service.
-On Friday is a Hartly Volunteer Fire Company sub sale. Mmmmmm good subs.
-Once the election is over I will, hopefully, be scheduling a new round of meeting with constituents up and down the 11th District.
-A huge thank you to everyone who has offered to volunteer so far. On Election Day we need some greeters and runners. Greeters are at the polling places thanking voters who took time out of their day to come out and vote (regardless of who they are voting for). We like to have as many people in Jeff Spiegelman yellow as possible at each polling place. We also are in need of people to run small errands for the greeters and other poll workers up and down the 11th District. No experience necessary. Please let me know if you are able to help us out.
-If you would like a sign for your yard, please email me your address or stop by one of our constituent meetings below. Thank you and let’s turn the streets of the 11th into “yellow sign roads”. Please make sure that the signs are at least 10 feet off the road, or DelDot will come and take them and send me a fine.
-If you would like to make a donation, thank you very much for your generous support. You can either mail your check to Friends for Jeff Spiegelman. PO Box 869. Clayton, DE 19938 or you can go to the following link to make an online donation:
I admit that I am not a huge pumpkin flavor fan. However, pumpkin seeds are another story. They are one of the best things about the season. This recipe is an improvement over a recipe from last year. Improvement? More like perfection!
-1 pumpkin worth of seeds with the orange goo mostly removed
-1 or 2 tbpn Olive oil
-1 crushed cube or packet chicken bullion
-1 tspn peri peri pepper powder
-dash of salt
-heavy dash of ginger power
-1 tbpn brown sugar
-dash of garlic powder
Preheat oven to 350. Grease or spray a baking pan. Toss all ingredients until evenly coated. Spread the seeds on the pan in a single layer. Bake for 15 minutes. Stir the seeds and re-spread in a single layer. Bake another 5-10 minutes until golden brown.
— Thanks.
Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District
Dover: 302-744-4171
Cell: 302-399-7728
Fax: 302-739-2773
Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401. Dover, DE 19903
Personal: PO Box 869. Clayton, DE. 19938