With the legislative session in its final hours, I am pleased to announce that two of my bills have now cleared both chambers of the legislature and head to the governor for his signature.
In an effort to stop prescription drug abuse in Delaware, House Bill 218, which passed the Senate moments ago, requires that a person be afforded an option to prohibit or limit another person from receiving a prescription from a pharmacy on his or her behalf.
House Joint Resolution 15 recognizes July 4th, 2014 as the 75th anniversary of Lou Gehrig retiring from baseball and helps to raise awareness of Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS) in the state. This measure is in honor of one of my constituents who has been working to increase awareness of the disease since her aunt was diagnosed with ALS and, sadly, has since passed away. The Senate approved the resolution just a little while ago.
I look forward to both of these measures being signed into law by the governor.