Friends for Jeff Spiegelman,
We have a great event this week. Please join me at Little Anthony’s Pizza Shop on Main St. in Townsend. I am there for you if you would like to chat about concerns in and around the 11th District. Let me buy you a soda or tea!
-Thank you to everyone who came to my meet and greets this week. On a side note, 3 Palms Zoo may be naming an animal after me. I told them no to a donkey, a vulture, or a pig. Too many jokes could be made at my expense…
-Many of my constituents are concerned about Blackbird Forrest Rd. Just as a heads-up, I have been told by DelDOT that the road is set to be redone starting later this month or early next month from Vandyke Greenspring Rd. north to Route 13. I know it is BADLY needed and I will continue to monitor the situation. Please email or call me with any concerns.
-My “Meet & Greet” gatherings for June and July are all set. Please join me at one of the following events:
• SODA & ICED TEA MEETING – Wednesday, July 15th – 12-noon to 1 p.m. – Little Italy Pizza Shop in Townsend (325 Main Street, Townsend)
• COFFEE MEETING – Monday, July 20th – 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. – Willey Farms (Townsend) with 9th District Representative Kevin Hensley
• ICE CREAM SOCIAL – Wednesday, July 22nd – 12-noon to 1 p.m. – Mamie Warren Senior Center (1775 Wheatleys Pond Road, Smyrna). Join me for a free scoop of ice cream.
• MEET & GREET/WINE TASTING – Friday, July 24th – 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. – Harvest Ridge Winery (447 Westville Road, Marydel, DE)
I tried this recipe tonight adapted from several different internet sources. I was not thrilled with it. Below is the recipe with the adaptations I will make next time.
-1 packaged corned beef
The meat selection is very important. You want the meat to be as rectangular as possible, as even as possible, and as tender as possible. Spend a few minutes searching through them to find the right one. The mistake I made…. I should have erred on the side of tender.
Soak the meat in water for two hours. Discard. Sprinkle the flavor packet on the meat. Marinate overnight. Smoke at 225 degrees until the meat reaches 180 degrees (I used a pellet mixture of half grape and half pecan). It is hard to know how long this will take. 6 hours may be about right depending on the meat (brisket cuts are funny that way). Slice thin against the grain. Serve with potatoes and cabbage.
— Thanks.
Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District
Dover: 302-744-4171
Cell: 302-399-7728
Fax: 302-739-2773
Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401. Dover, DE 19903
Personal: PO Box 869. Clayton, DE. 19938