Sweet and Spicy Pumpkin Seeds- Election Day Help- October 30th Update

Friends for Jeff Spiegelman,

We are in need of lots of help on Election Day. In particular, we need greeters to stand at the polls and say hello to people coming in to exercise their constitutional right to choose their voice in government. If you are able to help us out, it is much appreciated. Please call or text me at 302-399-7728, email me at jeff@jeffderepresentative.com, or go to our Facebook page and send a message: friends4jeff


-For Halloween, I am going to dress up as the most frightening thing imaginable…. a politician. Scary, right?


-After Halloween, remember that you can drop off your pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns to 3 Palms Zoo. They have a lot of animals that would appreciate the holiday treat.


-Friday night I will be attending the Hero Hunt pig roast at Harvest Ridge. This organization organizes guided deer hunts for veterans. If you would like more information, please let me know.


-It is not too late to make a donation! Thank you to everyone who has used the online system to make a donation. If you would like to make an online donation, please go to www.jeffDErepresentative.com and click on “Donate”. If you would prefer to mail a check, please send it to Friends for Jeff Spiegelman, PO BOX 869, Clayton, DE 19938. Thank you for your support!


-Just a few door knocking and sign delivery days left! I will be delivering yard signs and door knocking through most of the week. Tis the season for campaigning! I am looking forward to talking to the good people of the 11th District while wearing, what has become, my signature yellow shirts. Please let me know if you are interested in joining us!


I invite constituents to stop by one of the following meetings to share a question or concern about a legislative or district matter that may be on their mind:


·         COFFEE MEETING – Friday, November 4th – 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. – Willey Farms (Townsend)

Pumpkin seeds are one of my favorite fall treats. It also gives you something to do with the pumpkin pulp (what my father always called “pumpkin snot”) when you are done carving your jack-o-lantern.

-1 pumpkin worth of seeds with the pulp removed

-4 tablespoons light brown sugar

-8 bird’s eye chilies or 2 whole chipotle peppers, ground

-1 teaspoon of salt

Don’t be too aggressive in removing the pumpkin pulp. You want to leave some of it on the seeds to hold the other ingredients. Preheat the oven to 350. Mix the ingredients. Evenly smooth the seeds onto a greased cookie pan. Try to spread them so they are mostly in a single layer. Bake until they begin to turn golden brown (about 20 minutes).

— Thanks.

Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District

Dover: 302-744-4171

Cell: 302-399-7728

Fax: 302-739-2773

Constituent: jeff.spiegelman@state.de.us

Personal: jeff@jeffderepresentative.com

Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401.  Dover, DE  19903

Personal:  PO Box 869.  Clayton, DE.  19938


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