Friends for Jeff Spiegelman
-Happy Easter and Happy Passover. As such, this is going to be a short update.
-On Friday, April 6th, the 11th and 29th District GOP Committees are hosting a candidates night at the Hartly Fire Hall. Please get a hold of me if you would like more details. Our guest speaker is Mr John Sigler.
-Please go to the following link 2018 11th District Constituent Questionnaire or by clicking on the button below to take the survey. Your responses will help guide the decisions I make at Legislative Hall in Dover on behalf of our district. If you would rather take the survey by mail, please follow the link for the survey. In the introduction, there is a link you can click on to download the survey to print it out and mail it in.
— Thanks.
Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District
Dover: 302-744-4171
Cell: 302-399-7728
Fax: 302-739-2773
Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401. Dover, DE 19903
Personal: PO Box 869. Clayton, DE. 19938