Friends for Jeff Spiegelman,
Happy New Year! We are back.
-Session does not officially begin until next week and it will be entirely virtual for the three weeks of January where we would normally be in session. This includes committee meetings and full floor debates. Please let me know if you would like to see the schedule as it currently stands.
-On Saturday, Representative Hensley and I will be doing our annual Christmas Tree Recycling event. Newly elected freshman representative Moore will be joining us. Saturday January 8th from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Park and Ride on Rt13 and Pine Tree Road.
-Two GOP events are coming up in January. On January 14th is the Kent Regional meeting. On January 25th is the 11th RD meeting.
-We will be putting together another round of meetings with constituents as soon as we figure out exactly how to do that given weather and COVID restrictions. I miss you all.
For the holidays I got my Mom and Dad a 7 bone rib roast. We decided to dry age it. This recipe uses a commercially available bag designed for the purpose. Just a warning: this is an intimidating process and DO YOUR RESEARCH. EAT AT YOUR OWN RISK.
-One rib roast. Start with a 3 or 4 bone before moving on to something larger (translation: more expensive). Try to use at least USDA Choice quality.
-Dry aged bags
-Baking rack large enough to hold the roast
-Refrigerator turned down to 37 or 38 degrees
Follow the instructions for sealing the roast in the bag and place on a baking rack rib side down. Try to open the door of the fridge at least every day or every other day to make sure there is air circulation. Try not to touch or move the roast and do not flip. The roast will turn dark colors and maybe even have white specks. Brown, black, and white are okay. Blue and Green are bad. If it is your first time doing this, cut open the bag after 21 days. Trim off the crust, cut the roast into thick steaks, and cook as normal or freeze. I am going to wait until 42 days. I am also going to put the trimmings into a sous vide. Wish me luck.
-Enjoy your week.
Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District
Dover: 302-744-4171
Cell: 302-399-7728
Fax: 302-739-2773
Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401. Dover, DE 19903