Friends for Jeff Spiegelman
First week of session for the 151st General Assembly is in the books. It was virtual, and that felt weird, but here we are.
-Happy Martin King Day.
-While we are doing the virtual General Assembly the public is permitted to log on to watch any floor votes or committee meetings. Go to the General Assembly website for the schedule of committee meetings and links to watch live. We are back in session on Tuesday at 2pm.
-So far, we have not done any heavy, controversial pieces of legislation in the House. Part of that is the reluctance to do so in this altered format. Most of those bills will be considered when we are in session as normal, at the earliest, (in theory) after the JFC break ends in Mid-March. In the meantime, the bills we are running are fairly boring things that do not typically get much debate anyway.
I dry-aged some steaks 36 days ago. I pulled one out and did a smoked reserve sear.
– 1-2 inch bone-in, dry-aged (if you can) ribeye.
– Salt, pepper, high quality olive oil.
Take the steak out of the fridge 30-45 minutes before you want to cook it. Season with salt, olive oil, and then salt again. Heat your smoked to 250. Cook the meat on indirect heat, turning a few times, until internal temperature reaches 110 (about 30 minutes for medium rare, depending on thickness). Take the meat off the heat and let sit on a plate. After 20 minutes, heat some oil and salt in a cat iron pan on high heat (do this outside if you can, there may be smoke and flare-ups) until the oil begins to heavily smoke. Cook the meat in the oil, 3 ½ minutes per side. Take off heat, season with pepper, and serve.
-Enjoy your week.
Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District
Dover: 302-744-4171
Cell: 302-399-7728
Fax: 302-739-2773
Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401. Dover, DE 19903