Friends for Jeff Spiegelman,
Our last week of session is here. June 30th this year falls on a Sunday so there will be no update next week. We passed the budget on Thursday of last week. However, we still need to pass the Bond and Grants-in-Aid bills. And, well, whatever else comes our way in the last four days of session. Never a dull moment.
-I am still hoping that my DUI loophole bill passes the senate. In addition, I am really hoping some other pieces of legislation pass including (but not limited to) a definition of “firearm” bill, the Take-Care Delaware program being piloted in Smyrna School District, and a bill that helps curtail last-minute shenanigans often played with legislation late in June. All four of which I am a prime or co-prime. You can check out all four pieces of legislation here:
-And, as always, part of my job in the minority party (despite not having the party-line votes to push more of the ideas that I think would be what’s best for the state) is to safeguard as much as possible against legislation that I do not think is in the best interest of Delawareans. I do what I can with what “No” votes and amendments I can muster even though we are badly outnumbered. Thank you again to the people of the 11th District for putting their trust in me to be their voice in Dover.
-Have a great 4th of July everyone and happy birthday, America! I will be walking in the Clayton parade. Time to break out the yellow shirts!
We are still working on putting the finishing touches on our next round of constituent meetings. Here is what we have scheduled so far. Stop by one or all!
-Wednesday, July 10 – Tony’s Sausage 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
-Friday, July 19 – Harvest Ridge 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
-Wednesday, August 14 – Mamie Warren Senior Center Noon to 1 p.m.
-Tuesday, August 20 – Eats & Sweets 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
-Saturday, September 7 – 3 Palms Zoo Noon to 1 p.m. NEW LOCATION 1060 Vandyke Greenspring Rd Townsend 19734
-Monday, September 23 – Hartly Hardware 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
-Friday, October 18 – Painted Stave 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
-Wednesday, October 30 – Little Italy Noon to 1 p.m.
It is late June. That means a lot less cooking and a lot more…. well…. not cooking.
-1 packet instant noodles
-whatever fixins’ you have around the house
-1 pack bismuth tablets
-1 very patient wife
Follow the instructions on the packet of instant noodles. Add whatever stuff you have around the house to make it healthier/better. Take the bismuth after. Apologize to your wife for not being able to feed her as normal.
— Thanks.
Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District
Dover: 302-744-4171
Cell: 302-399-7728
Fax: 302-739-2773
Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401. Dover, DE 19903