Special Meeting Wednesday- Lamb Shanks- October 18 Update

Friends for Jeff Spiegelman,

-We are having a special coffee with constituents this week. Mr. David Kuznicki is coming in from Ohio to continue his work on a documentary on Hartly. He will be joining me at the Young Bean in Clayton on Wednesday, October 21st from 8 a.m.- 9 a.m. Please come join us.

-Wednesday evening I have a meeting with members of the DSEA to talk about issues facing educators and education in Delaware.

-Thursday evening is a Hartly Town Council meeting beginning at 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall.

-Good news! Delaware is about to start a Sportsman’s Caucus. I have been invited to be the chair. This bi-partisan and bicameral group is open to the public and will be used to promote hunting and fishing in the state of Delaware. The First State was one of only three states without a Sportsman’s Caucus. I am very proud to serve my state and constituents in this way. Standby for more details as my co-chairs and I put the final touches on everything. If you are interested in updates on this group, please email me.

-Cookbooks are here! Volume II is ready for you. We are asking for a $30 donation and one of these cookbooks can be yours. It contains all the recipes from my weekly email updates from March 2014 to March 2015. Please let me know if you are interested and thank you for the support.

-I invite constituents to stop by one of the following meetings to share a question or concern about a legislative or district matter that may be on their minds. These meetings are also a great place to pick up a 2015 volume II cookbook!

Meet and Greet/Wine Tasting — Oct. 30, 5-6:30 p.m., Harvest Ridge Winery, 447 Westville Road, Marydel.

My smoker is really getting a workout. I am trying to get in as much outdoor-style cooking before winter makes that a bit harder and I switch to a “Brrrrrrr, it is cold outside. How about some soup or chili?” cooking mentality. I have cooked lamb like this twice and it has been really good both times.

-4 lamb shanks

-1 cup white wine

-2 cups beef broth

-4 sprigs of rosemary

-Salt and pepper to taste

-3 garlic cloves

-1 tablespoon olive oil

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl or bag and marinate overnight. Create a foil bowl for the lamb to sit in while cooking. Set marinade aside. Smoke each lamb shank in its own foil bowl open at 275ish degrees for 1 hour. Flip the shanks. Add a sprig of rosemary to each shank. Pour about half a cup of the marinade on each shank and enclose. Cook at 300 degrees for 3-4 hours or until done.

— Thanks.

Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District

Dover: 302-744-4171

Cell: 302-399-7728

Fax: 302-739-2773

Constituent: jeff.spiegelman@state.de.us

Personal: jeff@jeffderepresentative.com

Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401.  Dover, DE  19903

Personal:  PO Box 869.  Clayton, DE.  19938

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