Friends for Jeff Spiegelman,
The General Assembly is on a two week break while the final touches are put on the budget bill (in theory). One proposal out there is to completely revise how we put money away for bad years.
-Happy Mother’s Day! Especially to my Mommy and the mommy of my Saul and Elianah.
-Our next constituent meeting is tomorrow (Monday). Stop by the Mamie Warren Senior Center from Noon to 1 p.m. for some ice cream and good conversation.
-Thursday evening is the annual benefit dinner for the Cen-Del Foundation
-Saturday evening I am on the host committee for the Gene Thorton Campaign Kick-off and Preakness Party. May 19th from 5 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at 302 Audrey Ln. Smyrna, DE. Please RSVP to me by May 17th if you would like to attend for a great time and to support a great candidate. Gene Thorton has been a huge and generous supporter of mine and is now running for Kent County Recorder of Deeds. Cost is $25 per person or $40 per couple. Please let me know if you would like to attend. Two flags that were flown over the state capital will be part of the silent auction.
-Here is our constituent meeting schedule. Come to any or all of these events for a little political discussion! We have added a NEW TIME/PLACE to our meeting schedule. See below:
Monday, May 14th Mamie Warren Senior Center Noon to 1 p.m.
Tuesday, May 22nd Eats and Sweets 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
“Your kidding, right?” you might be asking. No, seriously, beef cheeks. In theory, they cook like a fatty brisket. So, give it a shot. Worst case scenario is you order pizza. Just keep in mind that you are going to need to buy a lot more than you think you will need because you end up trimming so much fat off of them before you cook. Adapted from a couple internet recipes.
-2 beef cheeks with as much fat as you can trimmed off
-1 tbpn salt, coriander, oregano, sage
-1 tspn cumin, dark brown sugar
-2 tbpn chili powder, pepper
Combine all the spices to make a rub. Evenly coat the cheeks. Smoke at 275 for 5 hours. Internal temp should be around 210-220. Slice or pull. Keep an eye on the temp after 3 ½ hours as thinner and thicker pieces will take different times to cook. Serve on small rolls as sliders
— Thanks.
Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District
Dover: 302-744-4171
Cell: 302-399-7728
Fax: 302-739-2773
Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401. Dover, DE 19903
Personal: PO Box 869. Clayton, DE. 19938