Sportsman Caucus this Week- Antipasto Dinner- January 19 2020 Update

Friends for Jeff Spiegelman,

Happy MLK Day.  Enjoy your long weekend.


-It is our second week back to session in 2020.  On Tuesday, my HB152 is scheduled to be heard in the Senate.  This bill helps to close a dangerous loophole in the DUI laws and helps clean up that section of code.


-Tuesday is the first meeting of the Joint Legislative Oversite and Sunset committee of 2020.


-Wednesday is a fairly full committee day with Economic Development, Revenue and Finance, and Housing and Urban Development committees all scheduled to meet.  After I am finished committees for the day, I will be going up to Townsend and doing takeout chicken and dumplings from the TVFC Ladies Auxiliary.


-On Thursday is the first meeting of 2020 of the Delaware Sportsman Caucus.  We will be meeting in the House Majority Hearing Room starting at 11:30 a.m.  Our first meeting of the year always outlines our legislative priorities for the year and we get an update from the Departments of Fish &Wildlife and Forestry.  These meetings are open to the public if you would like to attend.


-We are still putting together our full schedule of meetings with constituents for the first third of 2020.  If you have a day, time, and location that would fit your schedule, please let me know and we will try to fit it in.


Over the weekend, Jenn and I spent the night in Philadelphia and we got a bunch of food from our favorite market.  This leads to one of our favorite meals:


-Meats, cheeses, spreads, and other goodies



Place all ingredients on a very large cutting board.  Rip into it like vultures at a wildebeest carcass.  Laugh at each other.


-Enjoy your week.

Jeff Spiegelman
Representative 11th District
Dover: 302-744-4171
Cell: 302-399-7728
Fax: 302-739-2773
Legislative Hall: PO Box 1401. Dover, DE 19903

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